Wednesday, January 24, 2007

State of the Union

I grew up in the DC area and was exposed to politics at a very young age. Political news was our local news. So it made sense that, in addition to my business studies, I would study American politics in college.

I am not as passionate about political outcome as I am fascinated by political science -- ideology, game theory, psephology, etc. And as someone who works in media, I find "the news" fascinating (and frustrating) too.

Last night I watched the State of the Union address and was most intrigued by this:

What a money shot for all the media outlets! Clinton, Obama, and Kennedy -- all in one frame? Easy gig for the guy who was hired to capture the reactions of recognizable Democrats.

As usual, Hilary looks amused by the President in a frigid, Blue State kind of way. But what are Obama and Kennedy doing? Every time the camera pointed their way, they had their heads down. And it seems that Ted's got a pen in his hand... hmm... so let's take a poll...

During the State of the Union Address, Senators Obama and Kennedy were...

A) Writing down their thoughts in preparation for post-speech interviews
B) Sharing gossip and passing notes like school girls
C) Playing tic-tac-toe
D) Competing to see who is really a Sudoku champion!!
E) Other (include your answer in the comments)


Amanda, Ben and Harper said...

well, given how close that pen is to Kenedy's mouth, I'd have to say is a well disguised flask-pen. He's blitzed and drawing naughty pics of the President, which Hillary can see over his shoulder... which explains her smirk.

And Obama... he's not writing notes, He's reading them... He's reading what Opra has told him say in post-Address interviews

Caren (CK) said...

Ah! I hadn't considered the Kennedy flask-pen! Much better approach than, say, Michael Vick's hidden compartment water bottle...

Amanda, Ben and Harper said...

I think they are furiously searching the internet to find out what psephology means. Wow... Wow...